The Female Principle
In early June 2004 Venus was precisely between the earth and the sun. Symbolically this is a very powerful fact, because every time this happened, women would stand up for themselves in this patriarchal world, in which the Female Principle is taking many beatings. The Female Aspect and the Mother goddess have been secretly but strongly kept alive in these past 2000 years. Simply because the balance has to be repaired. The pillars of Boaz and Jachin must be placed beside each other again, and the red and the blue snake must curl around the Caduceus once again.
The original sin
This detail of Mucha's painting represents the moment when the woman is blamed for the "original sin". She took the apple. This story was made up by the Church to get rid of the female powers and push the male aspect for-wards to reign in strength, power and blind obedience. You see, in ancient times the Church needed men to fight for them, to realise an empire in which Christianity would be the state religion. Women would only hold men back, Reason would take over and that wasn't what the Church wanted. By giving Eve the apple, the balance of the Male and Female aspects was taken out and on this particular painting by Mucha you can see how the Greek goddess Athena is taking her belongings, ready to leave, Luna is already leaving and the peacock is flying away. It is a revealing, cynical message. Mucha has created many cynical pictures, mostly about women. It contains symbolism such as the sword ^ and the cup v, united in the X which is often created by the crossing of fingers and paintbrushes. We often see the crescent moon, two hearts, the number 5, etc. It appears in almost all of his work.
Mucha's message is clear. The Mother goddess / Female Aspect must be kept alive. He was a mystic after all. You can see this everywhere though, in the art of painting and sculpture; in fairy tales; in the numerous churches dedicated to Our Lady (Notre Dame) and especially in the Templar & Gothic period, where the arch shaped doorways and the rose windows were meant to represent the vagina; the legends of the Grail; the chosen name of Nostradamus (Notre Dame); but also in the secrets and enigma of Rennes-le-Chateau. Abbé Saunière had built the Magdala tower to represent the forgotten pillar of the female principle, which stands for wisdom over muscle. And that is why he had his library in this tower. Wisdom. Occitania itself is dedicated to the female principle and the union with the male principle. The Troubadours were singing about the Lady all the time for those who understood. The Underground Stream knew that the female aspect had to survive the ages, because unless this balance is found again, world peace is never possible.
Right now the world is in chaos. Iraq, Afghanistan, many wars about religion, people fail to accept one another. People merely irritate each other. One would have the urge to pack up and leave for a quiet, deserted place to settle down. Away from the violence, the threat of the people around you, their urge to destroy, their rudeness and ignorance, their often negative feelings and quick tempers. The secret, however, does not lie in having the courage to actually go to that deserted place, but to face the people and learn to accept them the way they are. This is very difficult, especially for sensitive and emotional people. For them it is more running the gauntlet through the negative humanity. But it is something we meet on all our life's travels and if we keep on avoiding it, we will always return to the same problem. Karma is a fact, which cannot be fooled and it is also blind to mild circumstances and deaf to pity.
Jesus preferred to offer a cheek to those who are angry with you. It does soften their anger, if you are genuinely nice to them. THAT is really what this female aspect is for. Having your heart and mind overrule your temper. The goddess Athena was all about that: taking off your helmet and REASON, let your heart speak and keep on forgiving people who have wronged you. In the impressive prayer of Jesus we read:
"Forgive me my hesitant effort to connect myself with You, as I accept my fellow-man. His being un-whole. His being un-healed." (Wasjbooklan chaoebween ajkanna daf chnan sjbwokan l'chajabeen).
His original Lord's Prayer, which is actually better translated as "All Father-Mother", has been written in Aramaic. It is an incredible study, Aramaic, because the vowels are alive, not fixed like ours in our Alphabet. They can be changed and therefore, its meaning can differ to those who translate. The vowels are the emotional luggage of the language, just like in Hebrew. Only the consonants have been fixed. The Hebrew consonants are like flames, immaterial and still one can burn oneself terribly on words and bring about an alchemy (change) by words. Many things written in books such as the Bible have been mistranslated and so has the Lord's Prayer. The unity of both Male and Female Aspects is vital to reach an idea of God, to reach the balance within ourselves.
The original snake, the Mother goddess, the cult of the Earth in balance with the Cosmic All, has been crucified along with Jesus at the start of Christianity. This is a painting of exactly this fact, drawn by no other than alchemist Nicolas Flamel. There are also many statures of Mary standing upon a snake, symbolising the Church Christianising the ancient sacred places and Mother Goddess cults. This also explaines the popularity of Mary and the connection between her and the Mother Goddess, and that is wonderful. The snake represents renewal, because the snake sheds its skin and renews itself. It is an ancient symbol of reincarnation and because also the earth changes and renews itself all the time, the snake was connected to the Mother Goddess. The battle between the ancient Mother Goddess cult and Christianity is easy to follow in Genesis, when the snake plays the role of the devil, tempting Eve to eat from the fruit of the tree of wisdom. A study of this marketing strategy the Church used to allow Christianity to rule the world, does not need to create problems or unease. It needs to create understanding for the position of the Church in this particular period in time.
In search of the Female Principle we now arrive in history and pass places which are connected with ANU, the Mother Goddess. To understand this past, we must study Anu, Avalon and Bethany, the legends of the Grail, Venus and the secrets of Rennes-le-Chateau. Then we understand that the Underground Stream has always fought to keep the Female Aspect alive. That is why Pallas Athena is such an important symbol for the mystics.
The Father (Pan or Pallas) and the Mother (Athena) as ONE, strong and wise.
The City of ANU and the Valley of ANU
Bethany, the mysterious place where Mary Magdalene, Lazarus and Jesus often gathered, was originally named BETHANU, the city of ANU, de Mother Goddess. Especially in France we see many places being named after God, like for example Terre de Dieu and Lavaldieu. In ancient and especially pre-Christian times, these places were dedicated to Anu, the Mother goddess. For the Celts, Anu was androgynous and represented both the Father in the divine vibration (Pater) and the Mother in the material world (Mater). The material world (Mother) being impregnated by the Divine Father (Danae by Klimt) also created the Mother of God concept, which was passed on to Mother Mary in Christianity. It is the creation of the living flora and fauna and the origin of the name Anunaki can be found in this translation: Anu Na Chi, "born by the word or Logos" - "In the beginning there was the Word...".
The most important example of this ancient human race is the Tuatha de Danaan, the people of Anu (Danaan is derived from Dea Anu, Danu, and Danaan is the conjugation of "from Danu"). High priestesses of the Mother goddess were called ANA. Also the high priestesses of Avalon were called Ana. That's why I believe that Avalon is derived from A Valle On. Heliopolis in Egypt was once called ON, another name for Anu. A'aron was in Moses' days the high priest of Heliopolis, or On. The Ark in Hebrew is called ARON. It isn't so strange that people like Graham Hancock are beginning to see the Ark and the Grail as One.
On the other hand there is the Sangreal, the royal bloodline of the Merovingians and Visigoths. This bloodline was secretly kept alive after the brutal murder of king Dagobert, and the clever take over of their kingdom in Occitania by the Franks. They were true Grail kings, because they kept the cult of the Mother goddess alive. They were, in fact, also the heirs of the tribes of Benjamin and Dan, of Danu, of the Tuatha de Danaan. They served, in stead of reigned. They tried to keep the balance alive, women were equal to men and they chose Reason in stead of War. That is why they were so easily tricked and betrayed by people who had no problem in breaking promises. Remember the murder of Dagobert II...
The study of the goddess Anu would shine a new light on the original name of John the Baptist, a not unimportant man who has been pushed aside. His name in Hebrew is Yehoh ANAN. Also the headsmen of the Priory of Sion and the Knights Templar were often called John (Jean or Jeanne) and the true story of Jeanne d'Arc is still a mystery. It all belongs to the thin, red history line which is so hidden and overshadowed by the thick, blue history line we all learn at school. But it all shows the urge of uniting Europe and eventually Europe and Asia (Eurasia) under one Grail king and queen (strong and wise rule, spread out over an equal number of men and women in its government). Jeanne d'Arc tried it, Napoleon tried it. Today it seems that it will be coming true, more and more women are being accepted in EU posts. For the first time in human history the countries in Europe are not at war, the only fight is against terrorism and human misbehaviour and, not to forget, capitalism.
It is clear that there are two immaterial Grails. One is the Grail that is the vessel in which the culture, cult and heritage of the Mother goddess is kept, in other words, the Female Principle/Aspect, and the other one is the bloodline of the Merovingians and Visigoths.
To say that prehistoric humans were more in touch with nature is an Understatement. They were nature. The White Goddess or May Queen of the Beltane Ritual in May was the Mother goddess. The Green Man or May King was the force of nature, the divine vibration, who would become one with the Great Mother. Their product was the living world. This baby would become special, sacred, someone who would change history. The fertility ritual lead to the abundance of food like crops and fruit, and this would be symbolized by the horn of plenty, the land would be fertile and this ritual, better known as the Hieros Gamos ritual, was of utmost importance to the wellbeing of the people, to the earth, to nature. But since Christianity took over and crushed important rituals such as Beltane, the Fisher King or Green Man is wounded, the Queen is gone, and the land has become a wasteland. It is in need of the Grail, of the Female Aspect, of a renewed balance...
That this Hieros Gamos or Holy Marriage was also done by Mary Magdalene and Jesus is quite possible. Here we see Jesus as the Green Man or May King, found in a little church in Dorset, UK. We see him with his recognizable split beard and the Fleur de Lis crown on his head, but he is unmistakably a Green Man, covered by Hawthorn branches. The Hawthorn is a holy tree which would blossom at Beltane. Therefore it is also called the Beltane tree. This tree is also planted in Glastonbury, the ancient Isle of Avalon, where Beltane Rituals were held each year to celebrate the end of Winter. The hawthorn crown which was so rudely placed on Jesus' head before his crucifixion was in my opinion to mock his un-Jewish pagan ritual (remember, the word Nazareni meant 'heretic'). He was made a fool by having him violently crowned May King. A non Jew as king of the Jews. Iesu Nazareni Rex Iudorum.
For the Christian church, Jesus as May King and Mary Magdalene as May Queen was no option. Is no option. It undermines 2000 years of Church doctrine. The Church back then was merely an excuse for world domination, rather than a true redemption for the people. To picture the Church as the witch in the Fairy Tale stories we all grew up with, is no surprise. Because the Church itself created the witch to put women in an evil light when they would continue to hold on to the pagan rituals and Mother Goddess cult. Hundreds of thousands of women ended up being brutally interrogated, and finally put to death by hanging, drowning or burning alive. To have the Church play the witch in the Fairy Tales, is to have it swallow its own poisoned apple.
Snowwhite, the female principle, was killed by the wicked witch who dressed like a queen (the Church who preached, in their opinion, the true faith). The poison was put into an apple, which immediately refers to the apple of the original sin. This original sin was created by the Church to push aside the Female Aspect. God was now merely male. Sleeping Beauty was put asleep by pricking herself on a spinning wheel which was poisoned by the wicked witch. Rapunzel was banished by the wicked witch to a tower (the female pillar which is often symbolized as a tower) and while Hanzl was put in a cell by the wicked witch and was fattened, having to do nothing, Gretl had to do with breadcrumbs and do the housework and the cooking. Wisdom was pushed aside while brute strength was celebrated, because this was necessary for warfare. A dumb army following dumb orders without being able to think individually. The thinking would be done for them, and millions and millions have died in stupid wars ever since.
In the Middle Ages, Europe was bringing Christianity with sword and fire. The burning flames of the many stakes were fed with the living bodies of hundreds of thousands of pagans and heretics. There was one rich part of Europe left, Occitania, where the Mother goddess cult was still alive. This was one of the richest countries of the known world, with art, culture, music, wisdom, science, alchemy, mysticism, socialism, and... Catharism. Within a few centuries, this country would also be burned and robbed of its incredibly rich heritage. One million Cathars died, their cult crashed and Occitania was conquered by the king of France. Pope happy. King happy.
The dragon had lured the dwarfs out of their homes (holy inquisition) and burned them all with his fiery breath (The Hobbit - Tolkien). But under the mountain is a treasure. In the hills and mountains of Occitania lies the heritage of the Mother goddess well hidden from hungry eyes. The Pentagram and the Hexagram lie intertwined in the sacred landscape. The number 5, Venus, and the symbol for the Union of Male and Female Aspect, the X, is getting stronger and stronger.
And Venus travelled in between the earth and the sun...
For many centuries, the Church has fought against heretics, Protestants, Huguenots and all those who think differently, simply because they would undermine their dogma and finally make the Church foundations crumble from underneath its feet, because one day, the people will choose the Truth in stead of the white lie. Read: 'White Lie, the Quest for the Forbidden Relic'.
In the 300 years to come we will enter new era's:
1) The change of the magnetic poles from north to south. Last time this happened it triggered the Homo Erectus species. What will happen this time?
2) Pisces (fish) will be replaced by Aquarius (the water bearer). Christianity will finally embrace the Mother, the Woman with the Alabaster Jar.
It is a fact that in cultures where the woman is repressed, the man is usually aggressive, rude and ignorant. It is a fact that in countries where the woman is more emancipated, the man is usually very bright and smart, and much softer by nature. To create world peace, Male and Female Principles must be equalized. The Mother must return to her place next to the Father, the Goddess must be reinstalled. Avalon must rise again, nature must be respected and protected, and we must go back to the ancient values. Only then can the world and all that lives in it, return to balance and can peace be achieved. And it is not unthinkable to work on this together with any religion anywhere in the world. Everything is subject to evolution, also belief and religion.
For inspiration I give you the original Lord's Prayer:
Abwoen d'bwasmaja
Nitkadesj sjmach
Teetee malkoetach
Neghwee tsevjanach ajkana d'bwasjmaja af b'arhah
Habwlan lachma d'soenkanan jaomana
Wasjbooklan chaoebween ajkanna daf chnan sjbwokan l'chajabeen
Wela taghlanl'nesjoena ela patsan min biesja
Metol dillachie malkoeta waghajla watesjboechta l'oghlam almien, ameen
(Original translation in Dutch by Ilse Brinkman)
All-Father-Mother, All One
Of the All
In the All
Holy and secret are Your names
You live in activity and Light
Let Your desire be with mine
Here now and in the All
Touch me, feed me
With your astonishment
To fulfil Your desire
My surrender to You, the other and the All.
Accept me,
That I am not yet whole,
Not yet connected to You
Forgive me my hesitant effort
To connect myself with You
As I accept my fellow-man
His being un-whole,
His being un-healed.
Lead me away from show- and ignorance
And free me of what keeps me from the Light
Because in You and from You
Is the Light, the power and the Life
Here now and for ever

This detail of Mucha's painting represents the moment when the woman is blamed for the "original sin". She took the apple. This story was made up by the Church to get rid of the female powers and push the male aspect for-wards to reign in strength, power and blind obedience. You see, in ancient times the Church needed men to fight for them, to realise an empire in which Christianity would be the state religion. Women would only hold men back, Reason would take over and that wasn't what the Church wanted. By giving Eve the apple, the balance of the Male and Female aspects was taken out and on this particular painting by Mucha you can see how the Greek goddess Athena is taking her belongings, ready to leave, Luna is already leaving and the peacock is flying away. It is a revealing, cynical message. Mucha has created many cynical pictures, mostly about women. It contains symbolism such as the sword ^ and the cup v, united in the X which is often created by the crossing of fingers and paintbrushes. We often see the crescent moon, two hearts, the number 5, etc. It appears in almost all of his work.
Mucha's message is clear. The Mother goddess / Female Aspect must be kept alive. He was a mystic after all. You can see this everywhere though, in the art of painting and sculpture; in fairy tales; in the numerous churches dedicated to Our Lady (Notre Dame) and especially in the Templar & Gothic period, where the arch shaped doorways and the rose windows were meant to represent the vagina; the legends of the Grail; the chosen name of Nostradamus (Notre Dame); but also in the secrets and enigma of Rennes-le-Chateau. Abbé Saunière had built the Magdala tower to represent the forgotten pillar of the female principle, which stands for wisdom over muscle. And that is why he had his library in this tower. Wisdom. Occitania itself is dedicated to the female principle and the union with the male principle. The Troubadours were singing about the Lady all the time for those who understood. The Underground Stream knew that the female aspect had to survive the ages, because unless this balance is found again, world peace is never possible.

Jesus preferred to offer a cheek to those who are angry with you. It does soften their anger, if you are genuinely nice to them. THAT is really what this female aspect is for. Having your heart and mind overrule your temper. The goddess Athena was all about that: taking off your helmet and REASON, let your heart speak and keep on forgiving people who have wronged you. In the impressive prayer of Jesus we read:
"Forgive me my hesitant effort to connect myself with You, as I accept my fellow-man. His being un-whole. His being un-healed." (Wasjbooklan chaoebween ajkanna daf chnan sjbwokan l'chajabeen).
His original Lord's Prayer, which is actually better translated as "All Father-Mother", has been written in Aramaic. It is an incredible study, Aramaic, because the vowels are alive, not fixed like ours in our Alphabet. They can be changed and therefore, its meaning can differ to those who translate. The vowels are the emotional luggage of the language, just like in Hebrew. Only the consonants have been fixed. The Hebrew consonants are like flames, immaterial and still one can burn oneself terribly on words and bring about an alchemy (change) by words. Many things written in books such as the Bible have been mistranslated and so has the Lord's Prayer. The unity of both Male and Female Aspects is vital to reach an idea of God, to reach the balance within ourselves.

In search of the Female Principle we now arrive in history and pass places which are connected with ANU, the Mother Goddess. To understand this past, we must study Anu, Avalon and Bethany, the legends of the Grail, Venus and the secrets of Rennes-le-Chateau. Then we understand that the Underground Stream has always fought to keep the Female Aspect alive. That is why Pallas Athena is such an important symbol for the mystics.
The Father (Pan or Pallas) and the Mother (Athena) as ONE, strong and wise.
The City of ANU and the Valley of ANU
Bethany, the mysterious place where Mary Magdalene, Lazarus and Jesus often gathered, was originally named BETHANU, the city of ANU, de Mother Goddess. Especially in France we see many places being named after God, like for example Terre de Dieu and Lavaldieu. In ancient and especially pre-Christian times, these places were dedicated to Anu, the Mother goddess. For the Celts, Anu was androgynous and represented both the Father in the divine vibration (Pater) and the Mother in the material world (Mater). The material world (Mother) being impregnated by the Divine Father (Danae by Klimt) also created the Mother of God concept, which was passed on to Mother Mary in Christianity. It is the creation of the living flora and fauna and the origin of the name Anunaki can be found in this translation: Anu Na Chi, "born by the word or Logos" - "In the beginning there was the Word...".
On the other hand there is the Sangreal, the royal bloodline of the Merovingians and Visigoths. This bloodline was secretly kept alive after the brutal murder of king Dagobert, and the clever take over of their kingdom in Occitania by the Franks. They were true Grail kings, because they kept the cult of the Mother goddess alive. They were, in fact, also the heirs of the tribes of Benjamin and Dan, of Danu, of the Tuatha de Danaan. They served, in stead of reigned. They tried to keep the balance alive, women were equal to men and they chose Reason in stead of War. That is why they were so easily tricked and betrayed by people who had no problem in breaking promises. Remember the murder of Dagobert II...

It is clear that there are two immaterial Grails. One is the Grail that is the vessel in which the culture, cult and heritage of the Mother goddess is kept, in other words, the Female Principle/Aspect, and the other one is the bloodline of the Merovingians and Visigoths.
To say that prehistoric humans were more in touch with nature is an Understatement. They were nature. The White Goddess or May Queen of the Beltane Ritual in May was the Mother goddess. The Green Man or May King was the force of nature, the divine vibration, who would become one with the Great Mother. Their product was the living world. This baby would become special, sacred, someone who would change history. The fertility ritual lead to the abundance of food like crops and fruit, and this would be symbolized by the horn of plenty, the land would be fertile and this ritual, better known as the Hieros Gamos ritual, was of utmost importance to the wellbeing of the people, to the earth, to nature. But since Christianity took over and crushed important rituals such as Beltane, the Fisher King or Green Man is wounded, the Queen is gone, and the land has become a wasteland. It is in need of the Grail, of the Female Aspect, of a renewed balance...

For the Christian church, Jesus as May King and Mary Magdalene as May Queen was no option. Is no option. It undermines 2000 years of Church doctrine. The Church back then was merely an excuse for world domination, rather than a true redemption for the people. To picture the Church as the witch in the Fairy Tale stories we all grew up with, is no surprise. Because the Church itself created the witch to put women in an evil light when they would continue to hold on to the pagan rituals and Mother Goddess cult. Hundreds of thousands of women ended up being brutally interrogated, and finally put to death by hanging, drowning or burning alive. To have the Church play the witch in the Fairy Tales, is to have it swallow its own poisoned apple.

In the Middle Ages, Europe was bringing Christianity with sword and fire. The burning flames of the many stakes were fed with the living bodies of hundreds of thousands of pagans and heretics. There was one rich part of Europe left, Occitania, where the Mother goddess cult was still alive. This was one of the richest countries of the known world, with art, culture, music, wisdom, science, alchemy, mysticism, socialism, and... Catharism. Within a few centuries, this country would also be burned and robbed of its incredibly rich heritage. One million Cathars died, their cult crashed and Occitania was conquered by the king of France. Pope happy. King happy.
The dragon had lured the dwarfs out of their homes (holy inquisition) and burned them all with his fiery breath (The Hobbit - Tolkien). But under the mountain is a treasure. In the hills and mountains of Occitania lies the heritage of the Mother goddess well hidden from hungry eyes. The Pentagram and the Hexagram lie intertwined in the sacred landscape. The number 5, Venus, and the symbol for the Union of Male and Female Aspect, the X, is getting stronger and stronger.
And Venus travelled in between the earth and the sun...
For many centuries, the Church has fought against heretics, Protestants, Huguenots and all those who think differently, simply because they would undermine their dogma and finally make the Church foundations crumble from underneath its feet, because one day, the people will choose the Truth in stead of the white lie. Read: 'White Lie, the Quest for the Forbidden Relic'.
In the 300 years to come we will enter new era's:
1) The change of the magnetic poles from north to south. Last time this happened it triggered the Homo Erectus species. What will happen this time?
2) Pisces (fish) will be replaced by Aquarius (the water bearer). Christianity will finally embrace the Mother, the Woman with the Alabaster Jar.

For inspiration I give you the original Lord's Prayer:
Abwoen d'bwasmaja
Nitkadesj sjmach
Teetee malkoetach
Neghwee tsevjanach ajkana d'bwasjmaja af b'arhah
Habwlan lachma d'soenkanan jaomana
Wasjbooklan chaoebween ajkanna daf chnan sjbwokan l'chajabeen
Wela taghlanl'nesjoena ela patsan min biesja
Metol dillachie malkoeta waghajla watesjboechta l'oghlam almien, ameen
(Original translation in Dutch by Ilse Brinkman)
All-Father-Mother, All One
Of the All
In the All
Holy and secret are Your names
You live in activity and Light
Let Your desire be with mine
Here now and in the All
Touch me, feed me
With your astonishment
To fulfil Your desire
My surrender to You, the other and the All.
Accept me,
That I am not yet whole,
Not yet connected to You
Forgive me my hesitant effort
To connect myself with You
As I accept my fellow-man
His being un-whole,
His being un-healed.
Lead me away from show- and ignorance
And free me of what keeps me from the Light
Because in You and from You
Is the Light, the power and the Life
Here now and for ever